भा.कृ.अनु.प.-कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी अनुप्रयोग अनुसंधान संस्थान, जोन VIII, पुणे 
ICAR- Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Zone VIII, Pune

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      A. Institute Funded

     ICAR-Network Projects
    Impact of ARYA on promotion of agri-preneurship and attractive livelihoods.
    Impact of technological interventions of KVKs on socio-economic empowerment and sustainable livelihood security of tribal farmers.
    Income enhancement through KVKs interventions under Doubling Farmers' Income programme.
    Impact assessment of popular pulses varieties and technologies disseminated through Cluster Frontline Demonstrations of Pulses (CFLD-P) in India.
    Impact of climate resilient technologies in different agro-climatic zones in India- A study in National Innovations
in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Project areas.
    Assessing impact of nutri-small villages on dietary pattern, consumption level and food availability in India.
    Network project on analysis of agriculture and micro irrigation programmes in aspirational districts in India.

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ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute
College of Agriculture Campus, Shivajinagar, Pune-411005.